What can we do to drive your project further?

Transport Planning

Transport PlanningTransport Assessments, or Transport Statements depending on the scale of the development proposal, are frequently required as part of the planning process in order to allow the Local Planning Authority to determine the potential impact on the local highway network resulting from a new development proposal.

The TA allows the authority to consider any mitigation measures that are proposed to deal with this impact and view the potential sustainable credentials of the development. Hykeham Consulting engineers have a depth of experience in the preparation of Transport Assessments and Transport Statements across the UK.

In most cases Travel Plan documents, that detail the sustainable travel credentials of a site and the measures proposed to promote those credentials in order to meet alternative travel targets, have been produced in conjunction with the TA’s.

For more information or to discuss how Hykeham Consulting can help please email info@hykehamconsulting.ie

Road Safety

The Hykeham Consulting team have extensive experience of the preparation of Road Safety Audits at Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 and Stage 4 across the UK. With a team that compromises the holder of Certificate of Competency in Road Safety Audits we can complete audits on any road in the UK. The team can also draw on international road safety experience having been involved in the preparation of Road Safety Audits in the Republic of Ireland and New Zealand and Road Safety studies in Australia.

We continually ensure that we are update with the latest standards for road safety audits and that we maintain our independence from all parts of the design team we are working with. We work very closley with our partners in Ireland to provide a comprehesive Road Safety service across the country.

For more information or to discuss how Hykeham Consulting can help please email info@hykehamconsulting.ie

Traffic Signal Engineering

Traffic signal control systems have become an ever increasing complex part of our daily lives. However a junction functioning well goes largely unnoticed by the average motorist, with the excat opposite being true when it the efficeny is lost.

Hykeham Consulting engineers have worked on many complex and simple signal junctions, with works ranging from full design and specification of the control strategies to simple capacity assessments for new development proposals. With over 20 years experience in the traffic signals industry Hykeham Consulting have an indepth understanding of the requirements of a signal installation. From layout design to MOVA design, commission and validation we can design and commission the installation that meets the needs of the junction we are analysising.

We have wide ranging experience of the latest software for signals, such and Linsig and Transyt, in Ireland and th UK. With experience of the New Zealand and Australian markets we are also familiar with Sidra Intersection.

For more information or to discuss how Hykeham Consulting can help please email info@hykehamconsulting.ie